Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Uribe and Chávez: The Odd Couple

Former Colombian president César Gaviria claims to see "totalitarian and antidemocratic temptations" in Alvaro Uribe and applies those same characteristics to Hugo Chávez.

According to Gaviria, if Uribe tries a new reelection, "we are to take the same path Venezuela is covering and pretty soon we will be talking about presidency for life."

Uribe has been criticized in Colombia for floating the idea of more terms, even by political allies, but this is the harshest language I've heard. It's still not clear how this will shake out, since uribe had apparently accepted the idea that he would have to wait out one term, but still would need to amend the constitution a third nonconsecutive term.

Considering he just helped write a report saying the drug war is a failure and that legalization should be examined, Gaviria is really on a roll. One note, however, is that by definition a totalitarian government does not have free elections.


Defensores de Democracia 12:18 PM  

There are two ways to learn about Venezuela without going there.

One is to read many newspapers and magazines. In paper or in the Internet.

The other is to talk to many friends and relatives that live in Venezuela. By email, by telephone or in person. And to talk with frequent visitors of Venezuela.

A lady that lived almost all her life in Venezuela and left that country at old age, tells me that Venezuela is fast deteriorating.

She was the wife of a prominent and rich European in Venezuela. And now she is a widow.

She tells me hundreds of anecdotes about her friends, her husband, the Guardia Nacional and many Venezuelan Things.

With her Testimony, I can see that Venezuela is a Gift of Hidrocarbons ( The Devonian or Carbonipherous ) and has no other strengths.

And that Colombia is a country of much suffered people, that have to work extremely hard to survive, they have to be Calvinists in order not to starve. Life is very hard in Colombia.

And compared to Venezuela, the Government of Colombia is a model of Order, Thriftiness, sparing and Savings, Economical Stinginess, etc.

Life has forced the Colombians to be scanty and meager, spending reluctantly. And to be entreprenurial with nails and teeth.

And Venezuela is the Land of Squandering. The Santa Claus Economy, The Free Lunch Economy.

I am told that such is the Fate of All "Oil Economics" and OPEC countries.

Perhaps people vote for Uribe to defend their lives and properties, and one of the threats is the neighboring madman and his FARC friends.

Vicente Duque

Justin Delacour 1:59 PM  

There are two ways to learn about Venezuela without going there.

One is to read many newspapers and magazines. In paper or in the Internet.

The other is to talk to many friends and relatives that live in Venezuela. By email, by telephone or in person. And to talk with frequent visitors of Venezuela.

Your astuteness is astounding, Vicente.

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