Wednesday, January 05, 2011

U.S. and Venezuela

Richard Williamson offers a conservative critique of the Obama administration's policy toward Venezuela.  What it and other similar types of comments make clear, though, is that Chávez opponents in the United States have few specific policy alternatives.  Williamson catalogues problems in Venezuela, then writes the following:

Democracy must rise from the people of Venezuela, not be imposed from outside. Its exact form and facilities will be an outgrowth of the history, heritage, and habits of the Venezuelan people and not an identical copy of any other country’s practices and procedures

In that context of sovereignty, what exactly should the U.S. government do?  He does not provide even one example:

The United States should provide leadership in the Western Hemisphere and principled support for democracy and human rights in Venezuela.

OK, how?  He does not say.  In general, the conservative response to Venezuela is to copy the Cold War, but it would be nice to hear policy suggestions that don't involve emulating Henry Kissinger.


Slave Revolt,  9:23 PM  

Errr....deathsquads, helping fascists and oligarchs smash democratic political movements?

This is the extent of the "revolutionary" approach of the US. The one that Greg and other intellectual quislings offer-up as pragmatic policy.

Yet Greg goes into conniptions when he thinks about Castro and Chavez.

Sad and pathetic. What one has to do to obtain security and tenure from the putrid corporatocracy.

Preparation-H wont heal this sickness; and it gets worse with age.

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